The Frank Coppieters Podcast

Inspired Guidance April 8th, 2020

Frank is currently holding public meditations two times a week. To receive the written text of the "inspired guidance" as they come through just contact Frank by email. Feel free to quote this material with reference to its source. The live transmission of the Inspired Guidance is made possible by the support of Reiki Home.


Enter My Shoes Podcast

Take a step into my shoes as a person who is curious about the many amazing facets of life. I've packed in some of my experiences as well as interviews with people who have made an impact on my life and their communities. My hope is that you learn something new, get inspired or just plainly entertained. I'm your host Bryan Cargill and I'll be guiding you along the way. Reiki is a Japanese traditional practice that focuses on energy healing in the body. You may be familiar with Chakras from Hindu culture or "chi" from the Chinese - these are energy balances in the body. What I hoped to do with my session is to have a new experience and see for myself what this experience is like and if I could get some of my own personal understanding.

The Frank Coppieters Podcast

Inspired Guidance March 27th, 2020

Frank has had a meditation practice for over 30 years and has often invited people to sit with him. On occasion he would open himself up to receive verbal guidance and speak it into the silence of the meditation. Shortly after the events of 9/11 he decided to record these and send them out over email in an attempt to share messages of light in a world that suddenly seemed to be even darker than before. Frank is currently holding public meditations two times a week. To receive the "inspired guidance" as they come through just contact Frank by email. Feel free to quote this material with reference to its source. The live transmission of the Inspired Guidance is made possible by the support of Reiki Home.


Unity in Everything That Is Review

Spiritual seekers everywhere will find plenty of nourishment for heart, mind and soul in, "Unity Everything That Is." It is at once a primer for awakening to 'Truth' and filled with many inspired

Pointings' that are sure to satisfy. Frank Coppieters writes from years of experience and investigation&nbspinto the spiritual worlds. His book, "Unity in Everything That Is," may well be one of the most comprehensive and insightful books yet written on the teachings of 13 of our world's mostmrecognized and enlightened Master's. Highly recommended!"

KG Stiles, BA, LMT, CBT, CBP, Award-winning author, The Essential Oils Complete Reference
Guide: Over 250 Recipes for Natural Wholesome Aromatherapy


Unity in Everything That Is Review

"Unity in Everything That Is will invite, inspire and instill a deep sense of hope, love and faith into the hearts of all seekers. At another level, these pages serve as a powerful initiation for those wanting to engage in co-awakening humanity's true nature and potential. Imagine being carried along a swiftly moving river that takes you to secret coves and reveals hidden treasures. Frank Coppieters is your trusted and skillful guide, seamlessly blending emotionally moving anecdotes and inspired guidance teachings with in-depth explorations of 13 spiritual masters. This is a worthwhile and blessed journey to living from the heart, and a much a needed healing antidote for the uncertain and chaotic times we live in."

~ Donald Altman, former monk, and international mindfulness teacher. Author, Reflect: Awaken to the Wisdom of the Here and Now, and One-Minute Mindfulness


Unity in Everything That Is Review

Many before us have walked the earth and made the brave journey inward to find the essence and truth of who we truly are. Notwithstanding the turbulence and conflicts on earth they fearlessly expressed their authentic nature and by doing so gave all human beings an example and permission to do the same. Many of them we now call Masters. ​ ​ Frank Coppieters’ book Unity in Everything That Is. Enlightened Warriorship Under the Guidance of 13 Masters, provides access to the knowledge and wisdom he personally gathered in his extensive experiences with these masters. He also shares how he personally and practically integrates this knowledge in his own daily life. All the gifts, joys, struggles and challenges are beautifully and humbly voiced in a tapestry containing many gems of wisdom! Frank’s manuscript brings truth, hope and motivation. It provides practical advice on how we too can navigate our own journey inward.​ ​ This is the life manual I always wished I had.​ ​ Mieke Benton, Author


Open ruimte. Weidse, open ruimte.

Open ruimte. Weidse, open ruimte. Geen afgrenzingen. Hoe zou het voor jou zijn om gedachten rond zorgen zachtjes en beslist naast jou neer te leggen – gewoon voor nu? Open ruimte. Hoe zou het voor jou zijn om gedachten van angst naast jou neer te leggen – opnieuw, enkel voor nu? Open ruimte. Merk op hoe deze overweging jou een sterk centrum bezorgt van waaruit je je leven kan leiden. Minder zorgen, minder angsten. Minder angsten, minder zorgen. Wat win je hierdoor? Meer sereniteit en meer gelijkmoedigheid. Jij ziet en ervaart de rijkdom van de werkelijkheid voor wat zij is. Je ontkent de duisternis niet. Je nodigt het ongelooflijke licht uit van de open ruimte. Jij ziet alle krachten die werkzaam zijn en daarom kan jij een weloverwogen keuze maken op welke krachten jij je wil afstemmen. Jouw keuze is van belang. Je gaat zeer diep in de open ruimte als je mediteert en je laat toe dat jouw bevrijding zich ontvouwt ten bate van iedereen. Grote, open ruimte. Geen afscheiding. En tegelijkerijd, wanneer het nodig is, kan jij genezing zenden. Zeker als de planeet aan het rommelen is met orkanen en branden en andere rampen. Zend vanuit jouw staat van sereniteit, gelijkmoedigheid en innerlijke gerustheid. Open ruimte. Weidse, open ruimte. De visionaire mystica Wanja Twan, de geliefde Zweeds-Canadese Reiki meester, die zelf gezondheidsperikelen heeft, heeft een urgent verzoek om Reikigenezing te sturen naar het Amazonewoud en al zijn dieren. Wanja beschouwt het Amazonewoud als de luchtrecyclage voor de hele aarde en ook voor de mensheid. Wanja gebruikt een Zweedse uitdrukking “Farm Vred”, in de betekenis van “boze ingewanden” of “ingewanden in de knoop”. Het is mogelijk om de branden in het Amazonegebied als een uitdrukking hiervan te zien. Zend genezing naar dit alles en ook naar je familieleden en vrienden, vanuit een zich verdiepende sereniteit, gelijkmoedigheid en diepe innerlijke rust. In een verruimde bewustzijnstoestand ben jij één met alles wat is. Grote liefde en grote genezing doorheen de weidse ruimte.



Frank and Kathy always provide loving, safe and sacred space for everyone trusting that this is the best way of lasting transformation to take place.



The words, the stories, the images, the insights, the direct approach and the simplicity will touch your heart and guide you on your way.


Reiki Home

An Unfolding Journey

Reiki Home is an alive, growing community inspired by the daily practice of Reiki. It brings Reikistas* together as an intentional, global community engaged in Reiki in Action. (*Reikistas is Spanish for people who study, practice, and receive Reiki.)

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Pastoor De Swaeflaan 24
9990 Maldegem, Belgium

+32 (0)470 84 69 20

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