
Without Your Presence the World Would be a Lesser Place

February 12, 2002

Divine Mother has her arms stretched around the planet, blessing all her children.
Invoking her presence is paying tribute to that in you which is ever forgiving
and nurturing of self and others.

Intimate communion with all that is, right here, right now, breaks up the loneliness of seeking.

What cannot be spoken of can still be intuited in the silence of the heart.

Even the sage turns to the divine for sustenance.
Why wouldn’t you?

You are love.
Remember that and all is well.

Without your presence the world would be a lesser place.


To Fear is to Forget

October 10, 2001

Always keep looking at the larger screen of consciousness.
This screen does not accept your projections.
It only reflects back to you your pure essence.

When the world is plunged in darkness, there is an immediate response from the higher planes of consciousness to simply remind you of what is.

To fear is to forget your unshakable nature and destiny as a light being.

No effort is required but a very clear alignment of your commitment to be in the center of divine harmony.

From the center of the cosmic heart there is no end to the love emanating towards you. Open all the cells of your being to receiving this pristine light.

As you are gathered in this light a recharging of the life current is taking place.
Let this force be very intoxicating, refreshing, nourishing to the depths of your soul.

Let a single drop of divine consciousness wipe away all your illusions.

The masters of wisdom and compassion are actively seeking your help to contribute to world peace. Receive their blessings, receive their inspiration, let them guide your actions.
Be in peace.


Reiki Home

An Unfolding Journey

Reiki Home is an alive, growing community inspired by the daily practice of Reiki. It brings Reikistas* together as an intentional, global community engaged in Reiki in Action. (*Reikistas is Spanish for people who study, practice, and receive Reiki.)

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