
Around Grandfather's Fire's Interview with Frank

Inspired by many talks around a Sacred Fire, your hosts Sarenth Odinsson, Jim Two Snakes and Caitlin Storm Breaker cover topics from Shamanism to Psychology, and from Science to Popular Culture. Join us Around Grandfather Fire.

Temple Hayes' Interview with Frank

Temple Hayes


Unity in Everything that Is: Enlightened Warriorship Under 13 Masters

“A beautiful composition of wisdom, grace, and insight into the deepest teachings and transformational truths of our time.”
– Howard Falco, spiritual teacher & author of “I AM: The Power of Discovering Who You Really Are“

In Unity in Everything That Is, spiritual teacher, Reiki master and shaman Frank Coppieters shares his experiences with the wondrous dimensions of light and love. He tells the story of his own searching, which led him to 13 masters, and what he was granted to learn from each of them. The inspired messages he receives invite the reader to also follow their own journey. They are filled with hope and purpose and will certainly touch your heart. They point to the fork in the road—where humanity is poised right now—and encourage us to allow the evolution of higher consciousness.

This fascinating book reveals the possibility for everyone to find deep satisfaction in an enlightened warriorship that contributes to the quality of life on earth.

Frank Coppieters, Ph.D., taught for 13 years in semiotics, literary theory and drama at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. In 1985 he gave up his tenure to follow an inner voice guiding his search. Since then, he has emerged as a wise and loving teacher.

"Unity in Everything that Is: Enlightened Warriorship Under 13 Masters" is available in multiple formats: LIMITED EDITION Full-Color print, sTandard Print edition (B&W), epub (Nook and other mobile devices), mobi (Kindle), and Audiobook, Narrated by Frank!


Limited Full-Color Edition with 33 full-color images of Joska Soos' visionary paintings!


Please contact livinglightkathy@gmail.com to purchase.

Standard Black& White Edition with 33 images of Joska Soos' visionary paintings!


Please contact livinglightkathy@gmail.com to purchase.

Audiobook Edition narrated by Frank.


Please contact livinglightkathy@gmail.com to purchase.

Digital Edition for Nook and most e-readers (.epub).


Please contact livinglightkathy@gmail.com to purchase.

Handbook for the Evolving Heart

"The blessing of one glimpse of truth allows the heart to open and is enough to propel you onto your journey ..." In 2000, Frank Coppieters began receiving inspired guidance in his public meditations. Shortly after the events of 9/11 he decided to record the words and teachings as they came through and send them out to a world that suddenly seemed darker than before. These inspired messages, which continue to be delivered, are collected here for the first time.


"Accepting what is transforms what is. Whenever you seek, you are blessed. Whenever you find, you become the blessing. Surrender to this ... Surrender to this ... "


You may also purchase by check. Mail to: Frank Coppieters 5440 SW Florida Street, Portland, OR 97219

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Eenheid in alles wat is-placer

Eenheid in alles wat is

In "Unity in everything that is" Reiki master and shaman Frank Coppieters shares his experience with the strange dimensions of light and love. He tells how his own spiritual quest led him to 13 masters and what he has received from them. With the guided messages he gets, the reader is invited to go on the road. 252 pages, 6 x 9 in. The publication of the English version of this book is tentatively scheduled for January 2019 on Conscious Living Media.

December 2016 Frank's presents his new book in Antwerp, Belgium.

In “Eenheid in alles wat is” deelt reiki meester en sjamaan Frank Coppieters zijn ervaring met de wonderlijke dimensies van licht en liefde. Hij vertelt hoe zijn eigen spirituele zoektocht hem geleid heeft naar 13 meesters en wat hij van hen heeft mogen ontvangen. De gegidste boodschappen die hij doorkrijgt, nodigen de lezer uit om mee op pad te gaan. Ze zijn hoopgevend, doeltreffend en raken het hart. Ze verwijzen naar de tweesprong waar de mens voor staat en de uitnodiging om de evolutie van het bewustzijn toe te laten. Dit is een fascinerend boek over de mogelijkheid voor iedereen om diepe voldoening te vinden in een verlichtend krijgerschap dat bijdraagt tot de kwaliteit van het leven op aarde.
