
Transforming the Substance of Matter

October 17, 2003

You came here to participate in the galactic event of transforming the substance of matter within the earth atmosphere.

Some of the decisions in your own life are mere reflections of this larger context.
You are following the call of Divine Mother.

It is not necessary to understand the nature of these promptings but it is useful to see the relevance of your own contribution.

During your meditations a gradual shift occurs.
This shift is beyond your own grasp.
What is dark and meaningless is replaced by the light of your own purpose.

Many of your relations are reconfigurations of past associations.
Now they all serve the common purpose of this great transformation.

There is no separation between you and the divine impulse.
You are it!


The One Who is Watching is Limitless

October 15, 2003

Check for yourself:
is there any validity in the belief that full awakening would not be available to you right now, in this moment?
Who is holding this belief and who is the one watching this belief in action?

The one who is watching is limitless and has been watching since the beginning of time.

This watching is as natural as a gentle morning rain – no effort, no intention – it just is.

Every single raindrop reaches its final destiny.
Why do you think you may not be on the right track?

You are blessed many times over for being with your self.
Greater treasure you will never find.

Do you know who walks with you?
Just asking yourself this question will open your heart in a new way.

Continue your meditation today beyond the quiet time.
The watcher is still watching.


The Garden of Eden within Yourself

September 26, 2003

In the course of your meditation see each of your chakras as a colorful lotus flower.
Let them open one by one and very soon you will be drunk on the divine.

Each chakra contains a multiverse of possibilities and many, many teachings.

Exploring this inner landscape is like discovering the whole Garden of Eden within yourself.

It will not be long now before this vision will expand to include all the beings around you.

Let the heart be in charge of keeping the inner lens of perception free from dust into an open window into beauty and truth.

Awareness is already fully operational within you.
Can you become aware of this awareness?
This may sound tricky, yet it is very simple.

These are the times when many seekers are galvanizing each other into higher consciousness.
Like a swarm of bees buzzing each other into ecstasy.

In case of doubt about your function here: holding a steady field of loving presence is your greatest contribution on this earthly plane.


Surrendering to Divine Inspiration

September 17, 2003

St. Francis can assist you here.
Your heart can ease everybody’s pain, including your own, by listening patiently and in peace.

Whomever you receive in the heart makes you into the rich one.
There are many mansions in your home.

Surrendering to divine inspiration is like taking a shower in golden light.

Greet yourself as love in everyone you meet.
This is the quickest way to paradise on earth.

Silence is not loneliness.
Very soon you share company with animals and plants and rocks and angels, all aspects of the One Self.

What divides you always starts from some concept.
What unites you is truth itself.

By the end of your meditation some of your cells have shifted their consciousness.
They will help you to discover who you are now and what you have come to do.


The Beauty of the Human Experiment

September 24, 2003

Reverse the curse of thinking obsessively by taking refuge in the one who witnesses all that is.

You have been this witness since time began but now you are becoming conscious that this is who you really are.

As a witness you may feel even more than before but gone is the limitation of identification.

Every person in your life has something to teach you and you have something precious for them.
That is the beauty of the human experiment.

Sitting silently
doing nothing your nervous system relaxes
the chakras become balanced
and the life force is revitalized.


Awakening is Your Birthright

March 22, 2004

Awakening is your birthright and your destiny.
It arises spontaneously as a beautiful spring blossom when the time has come.

This is nothing special and yet so extraordinary
that only in the silence it can be fathomed.

It cannot be obtained through the will
but by being very innocent and relaxed
and by knowing who you really are.

You can help each other by refraining from judgment
and seeing your friend as beauty, love and truth.

This will open your own heart into its natural state of strength and vulnerability.

Doubt is not useful.
Trust is and surrender and disappearing into a deep stillness.

The new consciousness is emerging simultaneously in many places all over the planet.
It is also happening through you in its own unique way.


Be Miracle Minded

February 12, 2003

Personality is a prison only if you think that’s who you are.
Otherwise it’s a perfect form to fulfill your purpose here.

When your senses are alert a new world will manifest in your field of attention.

To be miracle minded is simply to ascend to a higher level of perception.

Meditation is part of your quest for divinity.
It helps you to shed many layers of density.

Your journey will always have peaks and valleys.
Never take any of that too personal.

Advance one single step from the busy mind to the silent heart
and awakening is the natural outcome.

Your tone is so unique.
Being who you are completes the celestial harmony.


The Very Marrow of Your Bones

December 30, 2002

A new consciousness is finally emerging within the very marrow of your bones.
It is replacing compulsive thinking with silence, fear with love and separation with union. This is humanity’s silent revolution.

The unseen realms are overseeing this process. They commune with you through insight and the elevation of your vibration.

More and more you will intuit what is true for you and live accordingly.

Such a life displays a divine design and is of service both to you and the higher plan.

All events are very welcome then since they all help your transformation.

Awakening is seeing through the illusion of the world and blessing it with your clarity.

The path is not difficult to find. It is wherever you have chosen to show up as the love that you are.

You are never alone.
Behind every single one of you stands a lineage of enlightened ones.

Your authentic nature needs deep silence to replenish itself.
This is a wise use of your time.


Awakening is Loving One’s Self

May 17, 2002

Ever so gently push yourself away from the busyness of mind.
Linear time becomes vertical and leads you onto a ladder to heaven.

Awakening is loving one’s self and seeing the other as the self.

Awakening in awareness is the next step of evolutionary consciousness.
It is much easier and more joyous to cooperate with this program than to resist it.

In meditation the little me dies into the splendor of the eternal self.

In the absence of any identification there is only you in the presence of God.


Truth is So Simple

May 2, 2002

You are the goal of this path: the recognition in your heart of the love that you are.

More often than not awakening is a gradual process in which you release the many identifications with what you are not. You are not the mind neither the body. Then the liberating question arises: who am I?

Let the investigation into ‘who am I’ reorient the foundation of all your perceptions.

Investigating who you are is not a mental process but a mystical merging with the mystery of existence itself.

Existence itself is the ground of all support but you need to be available to let it in.

Truth is so simple only the innocent heart can respond to it.


Freedom to Be Oneself

March 25, 2002

When the mind no more resists to what just is the heart will respond with wisdom and all is well – even now.

From the awakened perspective no circumstance in life is without merit or opportunity. What matters is your response to it.

In spite of all past programming your being can still claim full freedom.

The freedom to be oneself is priceless and does not rely on any outward circumstances.

What love calls forth from you will change circumstance into a treasured teaching.

A willing student accepts all of life as its teacher, especially this precious moment.

Any moment becomes very precious when it is fully embraced for what it is.

Silence is the language of the heart.

Compassion is the action of the heart.

Devotion to what is is the surrender of the heart.


Who You are is Beyond Time, Space, and Even Consciousness

March 7, 2002

The great unknown is preparing all of you to step beyond yourself into the mystery of divine love.

In this preparation you will be asked to let go of what is not love.

Letting go is simply seeing what no longer serves the highest good.

Ask “what is the highest good?” and guidance will be given you.

Guidance comes from the source which, in your heart, you have never left.

You cannot leave what you are. Such is divine law.

Divine law has been established beyond time and can be accessed in the eternal now.

Living in this now is what you came to learn.

Learning is healing, forgiving and remembering who you are.

Who you are is beyond time, space, and even consciousness.

It is time for humanity to put all its attention into penetrating into the mystery of its purpose.

The purpose of life cannot be strife or injustice.
Look for another way. Only you can find it within the circumstances of your own life.


Reiki Home

An Unfolding Journey

Reiki Home is an alive, growing community inspired by the daily practice of Reiki. It brings Reikistas* together as an intentional, global community engaged in Reiki in Action. (*Reikistas is Spanish for people who study, practice, and receive Reiki.)

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