
Let Love Carry You to Your Destiny

November 15, 2006

Once you are sincere in your search for truth
it draws you as a magnet
and directs you to your true destiny.

Every event in your life in this perspective is meaningful
and provides you with an opportunity on your path.

You have the strange sensation of never being alone.
Out of nowhere people appear
to help you with the next piece of the puzzle.

This plan is not of your making.
It would require knowledge
of the time and space coordinates.
It is divine reality superimposing itself on ordinary reality
so humanity can awaken to the mystery of creation.

You cannot figure out the scope of the plan
nor do you have to.
There is tremendous joy embracing your specific part
since you have prepared for it for so long.

Let love carry you to your destiny.
In this way you can enjoy each moment of the journey.

Now your life has become prayer and fulfillment
in all things – great and small,
in all people – distant and close.


As Consciousness You are Open Awareness

September 8, 2006

As a person you are contracted in habitual thinking.
As consciousness you are open awareness.
You are a flute on the lips of the divine
eager to sing a song, your song
or to simply rejuvenate resting in silence.

The shift from the personal to the impersonal changes everything.
There is no goal.
There is spontaneity.
There is no interest in results.
There is an ongoing deepening into what is.

Since there is no investment and no expectations
there is tranquility and serenity,
grasping that somehow things are in order
and that you abide in perfection.

Out of this peace action may come or not.
If it does it will reflect its source
and be of great benefit to all and everything.

Some of you will heal.
Some of you will help the children.
All of you will find right livelihood.

It takes courage to let go of your defenses.
What you gain is beyond words.

Many before you have made this shift.
It is now available as an evolutionary option.
It only requires your willing cooperation.

For a seeker of truth these are the best of times.
The earth itself is facilitating your awakening.

Let it happen.
It is already unfolding.
When the fruit is ripe, it drops from the tree.


The Chartres Transmissions, 6

The Chartres Transmissions (July 4-9, 2006)

© Inspired Guidance through Frank Coppieters as part of the seminar in Chartres, France “Coming Home to the Heart.”

Day 6, July 9th 2006
The Celestial Beings that have visted you
are pledging themselves to keep you company
whenever you are able to take time for yourself.

Now comes your greatest test.
The world needs your love desperately
and you need the world to fulfill
the destiny of this particular incarnation.

Keep walking the labyrinth of life as a witness.
There are so many twists and turns.
The center is always inside of you.

You don’t need anything.
No scriptures, no structure.
You are a light unto yourself.
You have found your inner guru.

You have found what you came for.
It is sealed forever in the silence of your heart.

OM Namo Bhagavate, OM Namo Bhagavate, OM Namo Bhagavate


The Chartres Transmissions, 5

The Chartres Transmissions (July 4-9, 2006)

© Inspired Guidance through Frank Coppieters as part of the seminar in Chartres, France “Coming Home to the Heart.”

Day 5, July 8th 2006
Like salt in the ocean
Divine Mother is dissolving herself in you.
Through you she is reseeding the consciousness on planet earth.

The old structures will not be able to recognize you.
Their training is in separation and rejection.
Your strength is union and inclusion.

Mary Magdalen, the woman of the well, is oiling your feet
so you bring splendor wherever you walk.
Your task is lighter than that of the disciples.
You are not asked to suffer.
Celebration is the hallmark of the new consciousness.

You love and tease and play with each other.
This creates true spiritual family.

You heal and meditate and chant.
You are the experiment.
You are the lab.
You are the opportunity.
The temple is inside of you.

As one of you goes deeper
the whole group goes higher.

The Archangels are lending their wings to you.
Be bold and fly high!


The Chartres Transmissions, 4

The Chartres Transmissions (July 4-9, 2006)

© Inspired Guidance through Frank Coppieters as part of the seminar in Chartres, France “Coming Home to the Heart.”

Day 4, July 7th 2006
Walking the labyrinth is a way
of rewriting your programming
from the linear to the circular,
from repression to full expression,
from fear to love.

If you stumble into pockets of resistance
do not treat them as the enemy but as an ally
teaching you that the shadow
shows already tender shimmerings of the new light.

Enjoy the journey.
The end is already in the beginning.
Each of your steps is very sacred.

The Guardians of the labyrinth
are like giant cosmic entities
in charge of the mystery of evolution.

The rose in the center
reminds you of your complete perfection
as you already are – right now.

The Builders of the labyrinth are your ancestors.
They have left clues for future generations.
They knew you would be back here one day
to decipher the Grail.

Return to peace.
Return to the land of your soul.
The body is part of this process of illumination.
Each single cell can explode into luminous light.

You are that light!


The Chartres Transmissions, 3

The Chartres Transmissions (July 4-9, 2006)

© Inspired Guidance through Frank Coppieters as part of the seminar in Chartres, France “Coming Home to the Heart.”

Day 3, July 6th 2006
You have succeeded in purifying the channels converging in the heart.
As a beautiful dove the Christ consciousness has descended upon your group.
Become familiar with this taste of brilliancy and joy and spontaneous gratitude.
This is the manifestation of the intention of creation.

From now on you have become a vessel for the pure love of Divine Mother.
Be available for her healing work.
Source is flowing through you gently, powerfully and full of mercy.

You will be surprised by some of your actions and decisions.
They will no longer come out of need.
They will come from a deep respect for yourself and for all that is.

Three new pilgrims are arriving today.
They are your soul sisters.
As you receive them in your heart
your group will experience a fresh start.

This love is the miracle you have been waiting for.
It is not personal.
It has no preferences.
It is here to serve.

Blessed are the ones who are called.
Blessed are the ones who are able to respond to the call.
Blessed are the ones who are able to share.


The Chartres Transmissions, 2

The Chartres Transmissions (July 4-9, 2006)

© Inspired Guidance through Frank Coppieters as part of the seminar in Chartres, France “Coming Home to the Heart.”

Day 2, July 5th 2006
Everyone on earth is affected by the energy of change.
Even the children are responding to this quickening.
There is great excitement and a fair amount of fear.
Will the center hold?
Know the center of your real Self as silence, love and compassion.
Knowing this acts as a solid, stabilizing force.

Your spiritual practices are connecting you to the center.
Choose at least one that suits your own nature.
It may change as you change.
Also, as you evolve you will hold sacred space for more people.
This task is not a labor but an honor protected by Divine Mother.

The Crypt holds the energy of the unconscious.
It is a place of alchemy and deep mystery.
Go there right now in your meditation and start your exploration.
It is a voyage to the underworld, to that which has not taken form yet.
Here Isis, the great Egyptian goddess of healing, is your loving guide.

There are places all over the planet that form one large grid work.
When a group of light workers goes there with pure intent,
an activation is taking place.
Allow this activation within your own body.

Chartres has been a place of initiation since pagan times.
It still serves this function.
It connects the old with the new.
In the new the female joins the masculine.
Together they form the Sacred Heart.

You ARE this Sacred Heart!


The Chartres Transmissions, 1

The Chartres Transmissions (July 4-9, 2006)

© Inspired Guidance through Frank Coppieters as part of the seminar in Chartres, France “Coming Home to the Heart.”

Day 1, July 4th 2006
Very gently release your thoughts.
Let them float away like little balloons in the air.
What remains is an openness, very soft, very receptive.
In this openness Divine Mother is calling you.
All of you are her children.
All of you are equally important.
It is your privilege to experience the immaculate heart.

You bring to this circle your history,
your memories of many lifetimes
and your deep desire for inner peace.

This time you took form not to fail but to succeed.
In the chakra system Chartres represents the heart.
What blocks the heart is past conditioning and reactivity.
Be very gentle with all of this.

All of you have been here many times.
Today in the cathedral you will rediscover some of these connections.

Now is a good time to set an intention for yourself.
What would you like to receive this week?
What does your heart yearn for?
What is your contribution to the great work of transformation?
Trust that you are entitled to receive this gift.

The sacred is not only in the sky.
It is also in the earth.
Chartres is a portal between heaven and earth.

Throughout the ages hundreds of thousands of pilgrims have come here.
Their devotion is still here.
You are so blessed to be here.
The earth itself is welcoming you.
Be yourself!


Reach for the Richness Buried in Your Heart

October 21, 2005

Reach for the richness buried in your heart.
It is there.
Abundance is there.
In this moment you are a millionaire
It is time to share.

Only what you share you own.
This is how all the masters have grown.

This planet is rich beyond belief.
And yet its people live in grief.
Wake up!
Wake up!
Abundance is a state of mind.

Every little group that finds the gold
and shares it, breaks the mould of separation
and puts an end to starvation.
Your task is historical and preceded your incarnation.
It is why you have chosen earth as your destination.

Be in peace now.
All this is happening through you.
Simply by sitting in deep meditation.

Your hearts and hands are reaching across the globe
and touching so many who share your aspiration.

Many beings of light are working through you.
They amplify your field so that all darkness may yield.

The blessings that are pouring into you are changing you forever.
Pass them on.
They will multiply and magnify.

You are free.
You have chosen to just be.
That is your victory!


Intelligent Consciousness

May 13, 2005

Become aware of the presence, within yourself, of an inner teacher.

This is the intelligent consciousness that looks through your eyes and sees your life as a string of meaningful events all designed to take you to your destiny as a being of pure love.

You can relax now. The dark is not an enemy of the light. Everything is embraced on this journey of awakening.

It helps to accept what arises in you. Your inner teacher is not a judge. What you accept has less power over you than what you oppose.

Deep healing takes place when you accept what is. You did not create yourself but you can choose to love yourself.

Many teachings are available now to help you. The words of the Buddha and the Christ are finally freed from dogma and doctrine.

They shine, as you do, in a fresh and sacred frequency. Take them into your heart.

There is no self.

There is no other.

All is one.


The Earth Lives

March 9, 2005

The earth lives.*
The earth is sacred.
The earth is your body.
Constantly she is ending signals to you.
Listen deeply so you can be in resonance, in partnership with this wise one who is in charge of the transformation.

White Buffalo Calf Maiden is handing you the pipe.
Consider to smoke it, with respect, to purify -- to support the awakening of all beings.

May your prayers go forth in all directions and circle the globe many times and then come back into your heart where they came from.

All of you are being asked once again to start afresh closer in alignment with your true nature.

This is less hard than you think. It means going with the flow, going with the times, going with evolution.

Once you say yes, a new set of circumstances is being activated totally in synch with your willingness to show up.

Your practice of sitting together in silence bonds you very deeply with yourself, with each other and with the earth.

* On March 8 and 9 enormous plumes of smoke came out of Mount St. Helens, a volcanic mountain close to Portland.


The Invitation of the Divine

November 19, 2004

Think of a moment or a time in your life
when you felt very open and connected.
Bring that memory now into the present moment
and ask if it would reconnect you
with the depth of your being
with the love and silence in your heart.
Don’t do anything now
and just watch the opening happening.
Like some flowers every day in response to the sun.

The invitation of the divine is constant:
Wake up! Wake up!
Your treasure is right here in front of you.

Dropping the mind is a great act of courage.
Only the heart is able to do this.

You are such a lover
or this path would not have chosen you.
Relax now.
Existence itself is in support of you.
Within your own body billions of cells
are cooperating with each other peacefully all the time.
When humans learn to do this, this planet becomes a paradise.
Hold this vision in your meditation so it may become a reality.

During deep meditation dark is transmuted into light.
This alchemy is an ongoing mystery.

Your presence on earth right now is making a difference.


Reiki Home

An Unfolding Journey

Reiki Home is an alive, growing community inspired by the daily practice of Reiki. It brings Reikistas* together as an intentional, global community engaged in Reiki in Action. (*Reikistas is Spanish for people who study, practice, and receive Reiki.)

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