Surrender to Love

October 22, 2004

Surrender to love.
This is the one decision
you will never regret.
With love as your teacher
life flows in unexpected ways
and brings you to the home
where Divine Mother and Divine Father
are always holding you in a tender embrace.

Once you know that love exists even on earth
and that you belong to it
a path of initiation opens up
where all illusions are seen for what they are.

This path you do not walk alone.
Friends, teachers and even some difficult people
share this journey until you realize all is one.

Steeped in unity consciousness you can deeply relax
knowing that the world is not so real
as compared to the reign of love
which is eternal and invincible.

Love’s temple stands untouched
amidst lies, corruption and injustice.
Here the initiate finds strength to move about
in a world hungry for harmony.

The bodhisattvas are returning to the world
until the light is shared with all.
When these words touch your minds or your hearts
you are surrendering to the flow of love.

Kuan Yin – bodhisattva of compassion – avatar of the age
is pouring her essence into you and into the world
so all may live in decency, without poverty,
in love, in peace.


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An Unfolding Journey

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