Infinite Heart of Wisdom and Compassion

March 20, 2016 — Spring Equinox

From Day 3 of our Gearhart Retreat at the Oregon Coast

The promise and the pledge of Spring Equinox.

In an intelligent and benevolent universe new creation is always welcomed.

On planet Earth all its creatures still respond very deeply to Nature’s cycles.

On this most auspicious day what is your deepest longing
for your life and for life on this earth?

Are you willing
for the infinite heart of wisdom and compassion to guide you?

Do you have confidence that you have all the know-how you need?

Are you willing to greet the sun, the water, the air, Mother Gaia?

Are you willing to greet, in deep gratitude, what you were created for?

Do you see that greeting and gratitude
are the two wings of the infinite heart?

When you see all this you are well on your way
to celebrate this day.

Every act of kindness, every act of forgiveness,
visible or invisible, makes a difference.

Just as you, on some level, the entire universe is very aware of everything.

Open-mindedness, in service of open-heartedness,
can take all the barriers down
between you and complete freedom.


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An Unfolding Journey

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